Monday 15 August 2011

Ohh Milk and Cookies...mmm....

Well, our science teacher had a light bulb idea and came up with a new method of assessing us about evolution. So the task was passed out and after the few compulsory groans and moans, I began to read the sheet. At first I was like, 'Whoaa, too many words. Brain Overload.' And then I proceeded to shove the sheet hastily inside my diary, promptly forgotten until I would happen to chance upon it. Whaddya know, when I get home I have nothing to do. Look through my diary and out falls the sheet. Then I REALLY begin to read it and click through all the sites indicated there.
It was about my absolute favourite food/drink of all time : MILK!
The sheet went on and on about how only 25% of the World's population actually can digest milk as adults. And that lucky few were mainly originated from Europe.(almost 100% people in Europe can digest milk). And that lead me towards my theory:
Since I have passed childhood and am clearly only two years short of adulthood, I am lactose tolerant (people that can digest milk after childhood). So that got me thinking. No one in my family can digest milk, I mean NO ONE. And considering how big Asian families are normally are, that is saying a lot. Then I thought,' Hang on, does this mean I maybe descended from Europeans?' That then lead me to,'Omg, does this mean I have some long lost aristocrat relative from Europe and I am the last of the line and soon will have a wonderful title endowed upon me and masses of wealth?!!'
Yes, my overactive imagination. From milk to titles. *Sigh.
But then again it won't be bad to be a Duchess.
Or it could also mean, I have some sorta genetic glitch. But I prefer the former.
Love from The Duchess Of Wyndham,

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