Tuesday 10 April 2012

Movie Review : Becoming Jane


Personally, I think that Tom Lefroy is the main character of the film, rather than Jane Austen herself.
Observe the storyline.
Start – Jane’s life before Tom.
Middle – Jane’s life with Tom.
End - Jane’s life without Tom.
 The film is about Tom and the influence that he has on all of Jane’s life. I know this was meant to be a biographical film about Jane Austen’s beginnings as an author, but turning this into a romantic film just turned the entire plot away from the supposed subject.
Don’t get me wrong. I am a sucker for romantics, but this particular film did not sit well with me. I might have been more pleased with it, if Tom and Jane did end up together, but then would be fabricating too much of poor Jane’s life.
If the director and the writers did intend to completely retell Jane Austen’s life down to pat, they would not have put revolved the whole film around her love life, but her circumstance and her family. Of course, they would have to include her spat with love to some degree, as it does influence her writing a great deal, especially that of her widely acclaimed novel, ‘Pride and Prejudice’.
What really warmed me was the end scene. Jane reading to Tom’s daughter with him watching over, with a sad, but sweet smile upon his face. It is clear that they still love each other dearly, so much so that Jane has not been able to marry, as she is of the opinion that marriage cannot come about without affection on both sides and it is clear that her affections have been indebted to Tom for the entirety of her life.
The film ends with her closing the book and folding her hands on it, and looking up at Tom. Jane looks emotionally stronger at the end and very refined. This impacted me a great deal, as I was suddenly overcome with images of what could have been. If they had not included that particular scene at the end, I might have lost it and started bawling my eyes out. This also gives the audience the hope, that perhaps, just maybe, a few sparks might rekindle for the sake of both our beloved Mr. Lefroy and Miss. Austen.  However, upon closer thought, it is not very likely, since Jane does end up dying soon after that scene.

The Leads

Tom Lefroy 

Mr. Lefroy is somewhat brash, witty, happy-go-lucky type of guy. He seems to have  not the care in the world and enjoys his rather obscure lifestyle. However, this aspect of his person dulls down quite a bit after he falls in love with Jane and is suddenly swamped with the harsh realities of the world that keeps his love apart from him. Life catches up to him and he is subdued, pulled down much further then he can climb out.
Although, I do like that he does become a very sensible, outstanding and overall wiser person by the end of the film, it pains me to see that part of him that I adored so much, with his quick tongue and dry humour, slowly disappear. However, I do agree with the direction that the plot takes his character. Without this development, he would have forsaken both his needy family and the promise of wealth to elope with Jane, which in reality would not have quite worked out as well.
Mr. Lefroy is played by James McAvoy, who does a marvellous interpretation of him. 

Jane Austen

Miss. Austen is shown to be a good, stubborn, well-educated young lady with a clever tongue. Her character progresses quite a bit throughout the film, with her horizons being broadened by Mr. Lefroy. She also experiences a deep, overpowering affection for the first time, with the recipient being Mr. Lefroy.
I think in any girl’s life, this is a major milestone as it said that one cannot forget their first love, and in Jane’s case, only love. Jane becomes fully aware of the dire financial needs of her family and also the meaning of others feelings. Her writing matures and so does her mind. Although along the way, she loses a great part of life, matrimonial love. In that place, however, she gains the ability to bring pen to paper in such a way that has made her one of the most celebrated authors of English Literature.
Miss Austen is played by Anne Hathaway, who is able to portray Jane with great elegance.  

Ratings - 3/5 Stars

Overall I quite enjoyed the film. Sure it did have some scenes I was yelling at the screen, but most of it was heart-warming and based upon reality and that of Jane Austen's actual life. However, I do not think it should be a true biographical reference to Jane Austen’s life.

Monday 9 April 2012

I Tell You All The Time

Back again. And I will stay this time. Pinky Promise.
So I thought I'd spice things up. Like really spice it up.
I have decided to categorize things:
Complete review of K-drama. Review of any books I finish reading. Review of any movies I watch. And just school in general.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Promises are never kept. And that's the ugly truth

Back from my hiatus ( that would imply me actually holidaying, whereas I was buried under books studying for end of term assessments ).

I will actually post, post soon. Watching 'Scent of A Woman' K-drama. It's Depressing. Good acting, but makes you cry a lot.

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Blood. And more blood.

As a child, I was always the brave one - scared to go ice skating but always welcoming a chance to go to the dentists. Don't think me freaky, but going to the dentist meant squeaky clean teeth, that was always nice to look at.
But as I waited in the Reception, visions of the evil dentist from 'Little Shop of Horrors' sprang up and I started hyperventilating (inside my head of course, I'm not that weird). For today was the day I was getting two of my teeth REMOVED!
I got called up and willed my brain to think of Yonghwa (yep, even in my mental state I think of Korean idols). Sat down. Breathe in. Breathe out. It was all going fine until the Dentist said, ' Okay I'm putting a numbing cream and then I'm going to inject you with anaesthesia. It is going to hurt.' By then I was so relaxed, I had entered my Zen mode, so nothing actually registered - until she actually jabbed it in. It wasn't that bad, just like the shots I got a couple of months except this ones in my gums. Two jabs in the upper jaw. Three in the bottom, cause it just didn't want to numb.
Then came the shoving and prodding. 'Oh, this won't hurt. You'll feel a lot of pressure, but it should be fine.' That's what she said. The poking finished, the teeth was loose. Her assistant hands her the stuff from your nightmares - you know the spanner-like object used to PULL teeth out. I take one look at it and start crying.
Bawling my eyes out, silently of course, cause I'm a lady. In goes the contraption and I can feel more shoving and pulling and poking and pulling. I am crying. The assistant holds my jaw steady and tells me to inhale and exhale deeply and close my eyes. I close my eyes. Breathe in. Breathe out. It's out.
Now time for the bottom tooth. Pretty much the same as above, except less crying and scarier and bigger contraption. To be honest, I don't even feel the pulling as much. Must have overdosed on the anaesthethic.
With a cotton wad inserted between my newly formed two holes, I get sent on my way with the thought that I have two more teeth to pull out. Damn it.
Lots of bloody bites,

Monday 15 August 2011

Ohh Milk and Cookies...mmm....

Well, our science teacher had a light bulb idea and came up with a new method of assessing us about evolution. So the task was passed out and after the few compulsory groans and moans, I began to read the sheet. At first I was like, 'Whoaa, too many words. Brain Overload.' And then I proceeded to shove the sheet hastily inside my diary, promptly forgotten until I would happen to chance upon it. Whaddya know, when I get home I have nothing to do. Look through my diary and out falls the sheet. Then I REALLY begin to read it and click through all the sites indicated there.
It was about my absolute favourite food/drink of all time : MILK!
The sheet went on and on about how only 25% of the World's population actually can digest milk as adults. And that lucky few were mainly originated from Europe.(almost 100% people in Europe can digest milk). And that lead me towards my theory:
Since I have passed childhood and am clearly only two years short of adulthood, I am lactose tolerant (people that can digest milk after childhood). So that got me thinking. No one in my family can digest milk, I mean NO ONE. And considering how big Asian families are normally are, that is saying a lot. Then I thought,' Hang on, does this mean I maybe descended from Europeans?' That then lead me to,'Omg, does this mean I have some long lost aristocrat relative from Europe and I am the last of the line and soon will have a wonderful title endowed upon me and masses of wealth?!!'
Yes, my overactive imagination. From milk to titles. *Sigh.
But then again it won't be bad to be a Duchess.
Or it could also mean, I have some sorta genetic glitch. But I prefer the former.
Love from The Duchess Of Wyndham,

Sunday 14 August 2011

Horrible Histories

Just the average night with my brother, watching ABC3 when Horrible Histories. There used to be a time when I would be like, 'Eww...that show is *insert obscene face*.' But one day I really started watching it.
First thing I noticed, was Matthew Baynton. Oh God, why oh why, isn't he in some major Hollywood picture starring along Keria Knightly? ( They would make such a cute couple!) The talents he has, the looks - hell yeah. If I had my own list of the 100 sexiest men alive, he would definately make the top 10.
Second thing, the show is brilliant. Not only does it make learning about history fun, it is hilarious! Watching this, gives history a whole new dimension and not something which is like, 'Yeah, whatever. Who cares, didn't it happen like a million years ago?' History I liked before. Now I like it even more. And may I dare say it, I LOVE it.
Thirdly, Matthew Baynton writes the series. Is he talented or what?! and he sings as well and has his own band and everything and even a solo career!
Lots of Bayntony Love,

The Uberly talented Matthew Baynton
Classic British boy, eh? I see, Collin Firth in him.
The absolute PERFECT fan-vid! ENjoy!

Saturday 13 August 2011

Too fast for too many words......

Where do I begin with 'Heartstrings'?
Yonghwa. That girl from You're Beautiful with the annoying voice.
The essence of the drama is good, but it's going too fast. Beacause the main girl got herself into an accident, the Drama was cut down to 15 episodes. And so, they are trying to fit everything into the last 2 episodes. To be fair though, this drama has everything ( minus action ) that a good drama needs: love, fights and more tension. Plus Yonghwa singing and being all lovey-dovey isn't at all a bad thing. I'd say Heartstrings is a cross between Boys over Flowers and Dream high (Both very awesome dramas. Check them out!)
But what can you do, at least YongHwa's in it ;)

Rating so far : 3.75/5